fear series – time changes

I am not really sure if this counts as a “fear”, but wow do I hate when we arbitrarily change the time.   

There’s the existential aspect of it, like, time is a construct and all that, but we have established that there is a clock time and that should not change.  We made it up, it’s not real, but if we are at least consistent in the lack of reality of assigning a number to time, then it is ok.  

But then we go and change it.  Just, now it is this time HAHA just kidding, now it is another time.  It makes me feel like ANYTHING can just change like that.  “This is a rock” NO IT IS NOT!  Now it is a unicorn!  GOTCHA!   

Also I become super paranoid about “real time” versus “new time” and for at least the first week, I think I am early or late to everything, and I question if the time is real, or the new time, or the old time.  What if I forgot to change the clock on the microwave, and I look at it, and I think it’s one time when really it’s another time?  

I did NOT forget to change the clocks, and I have my phone that always has the right time because of satellites and internet and things, but that does not help with my paranoia about real time and new time.   

I just had to get that out, because I am currently trying to drink coffee and watch TikTok videos but I keep jumping and thinking “Am I late?  What is the time?  Is that the real time?”  

Thank you, that is all.  

