Am I Back?
I did a thing, and I have no idea what I am doing. I switched from the GoDaddy website builder to WorkPress. I watched a very long YouTube video about how to do it, and I am STILL at a loss! I am not...
River Tam
Ask the darcy
  A lovely person asked:   Why is your food problematic?   Via the Ask the Darcy button on the home page!   Let me tell you!   It is a line from the TV show Firefly.  River Tam says...
Here is the thing, autism causes some weird reactions to shit, and some of those reactions are really severe.  But I hate it when people refer to sensory overload/being overwhelmed and reacting in an extreme...
Ken Pillow
Today i met a contractor
In the ongoing saga of What To Do With Ken and Mo, we decided our first step should be to get quotes to build a full bathroom on the first floor, and turn the family room into a first floor master bedroom.   I...
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