04 April, 2022
I live with my parents. They are 80 and I am 45.
Over the past few years, they have had some health things happen, most notably, they both fall and then…wait for it…they...
01 April, 2022
I hate April 1st. I hate pranks, jokes, tricks, and basically, I hate for anyone to have fun.
I believe anything. ANYTHING. I am the easiest target for people, and I always...
30 March, 2022
I got to go to the rehearsal for this concert. It was a working rehearsal, and if you are a donor of a certain level to Carnegie Hall, you have access to attend these rehearsals. I am not a donor, but...
28 March, 2022
I have a fun history of accidentally creating strange situations, or saying…unique…things. Here are just a few from my trip to NYC.
I got to my hotel, and the dead bolt would...
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